& nursery

We are officially open for the season! Come visit; we are open Sunday through Saturday from 10am to 5pm.
2023 Annuals!
Here are the beautiful blooms selected for this year's hanging baskets!

This Year's Annuals!
These annuals are this year’s selection for our baskets. All Boxhill’s baskets are ready now and will continue to increase and bloom until September or October.
Come see for yourself and pick up some for you and your mom.
Add some of our six-packs of the same annuals to use in pots and planters—-they have been chosen especially for long and beautiful bloom times.

A Hardy Perennial
This is Erysimum winter orchid, a hardy perennial with a very long blooming time. Plant some now and have flowers for months. ​
Erysimum is commonly known as wallflower, sort of a silly name for a flower that is so pleasingly bright and smells delightful. Come see!

Camellias are beginning now - a most rewarding shrub for semi-shade that exists for the Northwest. Beautiful, evergreen, shiny leaves and exuberant blooms. It makes a spectacular hedge.
They grow slowly, but oh so well. They look best only lightly trimmed, which must be done right after the bloom finishes. ​
Camellias are beginning now!

Clivias in bloom!
This is a picture of one of our Clivia blooming in the nursery. This rare flower is native to South African, but will happily live in your home! These beautiful plants are easy to take care of, quite big, and reliable bloomers. However, don’t be mistaken by their tropical appearance, Clivias do not like direct sun! They can no longer be imported in Washington and ours come from a 50 year-old plant, so when we say rare, we mean it!
The Clivias in the nursery are about to bloom, some are for sale. They are big and easy to grow - a little liquid fertilizer, water when dry, and window light. Clivia is pronounced with a long ‘i’, a native of Zimbabwe, it’s named for Lady Clive. Come see them!
Time for Amaryllis
Big amaryllis bulbs make exquisite cut flowers or potted plants. Keep them above 40º and although they might not bloom at Christmas, who would turn this down in late winter, like February or March?
The pictured bloom broke off in transport, it bloomed anyway in water with three huge blossoms, sequentially for four weeks. Year after year these bulbs will perform as long as they do not freeze or dry out completely. We have some for sale now or again in the fall, save a big Chinese pot!

Is it almost spring?
Boxhill will open the first week-end in March. New plants, new baskets starting and fertilizer to make it all grow.
It’s time to reward flowering shrubs like rhododendrons and camellias so they’ll have big blossoms with good color.
On Friday, Saturday and Sunday our open house will feature 10% off on the fertilizer and any house plants, because it’s a great time to fertilize but a bit early to plant. Still, nice to have something green to admire. See you soon.
Happy New Year!
We look forward to seeing you in the coming months. More news and specials to come. In the mean time, make sure to subscribe to our email list to stay updated with gardening tips and nursery deals this spring.
Fall has been lovely!

Here’s an 80-year-old Snake back Japanese Maple in the woods turning fire red-orange and a pretty yellow simple Japanese maple in more light.
These plants continued to flower into the middle of October – an agapanthus, a small hardy fuchsia, and Asali a Heliopsis. Think about these for next year, it’s nice to have a few deep colors in the fall.

Fertilize your rhododendrons!
Fertilize your rhododendrons now for bloom formation next spring. Be sure to spread it around the plant but inside the drip line (the leading leaf edge) to reach the roots most effectively. The rain will carry it into the soil. Use Hendrikus or another natural fertilizer according to directions. Magnolias are happy with this, and blueberries, too. Roots are busy in the winter!

It's Time to Compost!

If you have space, then leaf mold (only leaves) is the most valuable compost. If not, be sure in a mixed compost to put in small sticks or balled up newspaper to create room for oxygen. If you have a very small garden, it's find to compost in place - keeping your leaves is important for the proper soil nutrition.
Bulb Info
Do not plant bulbs until mid or late October when the ground is cold -otherwise they will come up with really tiny flowers.
Bamboo Alert

We at Boxhill would like to explain the dying bamboo in front of the nursery. Bamboo has a life cycle in which it dies, species by species, every 60 to 130 years and then regenerates itself from seed, all in a span of about 1 to 4 years, everywhere on earth. They flower all at the same time, all over the world, irrespective of geographic location and climate, as long as they were derived from the same mother plant. Most bamboos are ‘divisions’ taken from the same mother plant at some point. These divisions were re-divided over time and shared across the world. Although the divisions are now geographically in different locations, they still carry the same genetic makeup. So when a bamboo plant in, say, North America flowers, the same plant in Asia will also flower at roughly the same time. It is as if the plants carry an an internal clock ticking away until the preset alarm goes off simultaneously. This mass flowering phenomenon is called gregarious flowering. When the flowering is complete we will remove the dead plants and replace them with a somewhat smaller clumping variety, probably Fargesia robusta.

The tomatoes are looking good, but we think they'd look better going home with you! We have six different varieties, $4.95 each.
Beautiful Canna Blooms
Our canna has been flying off the shelves, but that doesn't mean you can't stop in and pick one up! These extraordinary plants grow 2-5 feet tall andcan bloom several times throughout the summer and fall.

Be the envy of your family and friends with a hanging basket from Boxhill Farm!
Scroll down to see what a difference a couple of months makes
Limited-Time Deals
We have a couple of great deals, but hurry in soon! They won't last long. Through the 4th of July all Echinacea is 10% off. There are a number of stunning colors to choose from. Secondly, select daylilies are marked down to $8.95 from $12.95. These are not deals to be missed!

Daylilies on Sale:
-Siloam June Bug
Tour of Gardens 2019
On Saturday July 13th we'd like to welcome you to the Woodinville Garden Club's Tour of Gardens. Opportunities for inspiration are endless as you peruse five of the finest private gardens in the area. Come by today to learn more or purchase tickets.
Houseplants Galore
With summer in full-swing, we can't forget to show a little love to our indoor plants. We have many gorgeous houseplants suitable for any home. Two of our favorites are the Begonia Kotobuki with its stunning foliage and the Bletilla Yokohama, a hardy orchid that may be planted outside after you've enjoyed its precious blooms this season. Don't wait too long, these beauties will be gone soon!

Begonia Baskets are Blooming!
Is your front porch or patio a little bare? Are you concerned that it may too sunny or shady for plants to grow? Fret not, we have all your needs covered! Our begonia baskets are blooming and looking wonderful! We have sun and shade baskets and they are all spectacular. Stop in soon to find the perfect basket for your home.

Home Projects
Is your garden missing some extra flair? Sometimes the smallest touches go a long way! This is a birdbath we reinforced with old ceramics and a little bit of concrete. While we had never done this before, it turned out beautifully and only took an hour!

Treat Your Garden This Summer
People aren't the only ones who need a little pick-me-up every once and awhile! We recently restocked on all-organic fertilizers from the fine folks at Hendrikus to cover all your fertilizing needs. New this season is one of our recent favorites, liquid OceanMagic, the organic equivalent of Miracle-Gro.

Annual Baskets!
Our baskets are moving fast! Come in and get yours today, available in 12",14", & 16" sizes. A great addition to any porch, patio, or anywhere you can think of!
New Flowers For Spring
We have many new flowers and plants for this gardening season, we're so excited to share we couldn't wait any longer! Whether you are a novice, expert gardener, or anyone in-between, our wide-ranging selection of annuals and perennials have all your needs covered!

More Cold Tolerant Plants
This is our ‘Justin Brouwers’ Boxwood. It is a very versatile plant and a great addition to any garden! In summer, when gardens are in full-bloom, they meld into the background providing structure and beauty. In winter the shrub’s strong shape and rich green color take center stage. If you are looking for an addition to your garden that won’t just withstand the winter but thrive in it, look no further!

Clivias Ready!
This is a picture of one of our Clivia blooming in the nursery. This rare flower is native to South African, but will happily live in your home! These beautiful plants are easy to take care of, quite big, and reliable bloomers. However, don’t be mistaken by their tropical appearance, Clivias do not like direct sun! They can no longer be imported in Washington and ours come from a 50 year-old plant, so when we say rare, we mean it! Our Clivias are only for sale every few years because they take such a long time to produce. We have 7 big Clivias 24-32 inches tall, each with 3 flower stalks selling for $200 each. Additionally, we have 2 slightly smaller plants with 2 stalks for $150. Due to the snow, we’re still waiting for our official seasonal opening, but we’re always at the nursery Monday-Saturday 10am-5pm. Please call us at 425-788-6473 or email us at boxhillfarmnursery@yahoo.com if you’re interested. These beauties will sell fast!

Fall - Improve Your Garden
Fall is a wonderful time to look hard at your garden. Move plants, choose new thing to compliment the areas close to your entrance, the ones you see most in winter. If you have a blank spot in semi or full shade try a asplenium scolopendrium, either of the two pictured here. They form a small colony and look disarmingly like seaweed.

Fatsia Japonica

asplenium scolopendrium
Astilbes make a great companion plant to hydrangeas. Same light, same water, same fertilizer.

'Ruby Slippers'
'Oregon Pride'
Paniculata 'Unique'
'All Summer Beauty'
'Midoriboshi Temari'
'Zebra Mophead'
'Sweet Summer'
paniculata 'Phantom'
dichroa febrifuga
'Polar Bear'
Onyx 'Flamingo'
pan. 'Paszam Passion'
'Painter's Palette'
Our unique and fabulous Hydrangeas:
Marcel - An Update

For those of you who were wondering, Marcel is safe and happy, sharing his personality with us at home. We know many of you were fond of him when he was living at the farm.
Here he is sitting next to his favorite sweater
These are wonderful asian chrysanthemums. very rare, and very special. They can be a hardy garden plant but are usually raised in a pot. They bloom anywhere from late august to November, by type. We will have very few for sale in the late summer. If one of these looks really appealing to you, please let us know and we will save it for you (425)-788-6473. They will be about $20 a piece.
If you click on the picture of a chrysanthemum you like, you can find its name.

These are rare camellias that we ordered from a camellia specialist in the South. They are all hardy here in the North West.

Koto no Kaori Blooms Spring, mid-Fall to Early Winter

Arctic Snow Blooms Early Fall

Autumn Spirit Blooms in Fall

Seafoam Blooms winter, spring

Apple Blossom Blooms in Fall

Shibori Egao Blooms Late Winter to Early Spring

Arctic Dawn Blooms in Spring

Jury's Yellow Blooms in spring

Lady Vansittart Blooms early spring

Buttermint Blooms winter to early spring

Daydream Blooms: Late Fall to Early Winter

Winter's Interlude Blooms: Fall